Marketing website redesign
New branding and optimised SEO to bring their products to a wider target audience.
New branding and optimised SEO to bring their products to a wider target audience.
New branding and optimised SEO to bring their products to a wider target audience.
Before starting the redesign of Doid, a website that connects people who need help with household tasks with local service providers, I conducted user research to understand the needs, pain points, and goals of both the customers and the providers. I used methods such as surveys, interviews, personas, and journey maps to gather insights and identify opportunities for improvement.
Based on the research findings, I created a story that illustrated the main problem and the desired outcome for the users. The story focused on how Doid could help users find, book, and pay for reliable and quality services in a convenient and secure way. I used storyboards, scenarios, and user flows to communicate the story and the key features of the solution.
Using the story as a guide, I designed low-fidelity wireframes and prototypes to test the usability and functionality of the website. I followed the principles of simplicity, clarity, and consistency to create an intuitive and engaging user interface. I used tools such as Sketch, Figma, and InVision to create and iterate on the design.
I conducted several rounds of user testing and feedback sessions with potential and existing users of Doid. I used methods such as usability testing, heuristic evaluation, and A/B testing to evaluate the design and measure its performance. I collected and analyzed the data and feedback to identify issues and areas for improvement. I then refined and improved the design based on the findings and recommendations.
Final product
The final product of the website redesign was a responsive and user-friendly website that met the needs and expectations of both the customers and the providers. The website enabled users to easily find, book, and pay for services, as well as to communicate and rate each other. The website also increased the trust and satisfaction of the users, as well as the conversion and retention rates of the business.
What I learned
Through this project, I learned a lot about the process and the skills of UX design. I learned how to conduct effective user research, how to create compelling stories and prototypes, how to test and iterate on the design, and how to deliver a high-quality product. I also learned how to collaborate and communicate with the stakeholders, the team, and the users. I enjoyed working on this project and I am proud of the outcome.
Before starting the redesign of Doid, a website that connects people who need help with household tasks with local service providers, I conducted user research to understand the needs, pain points, and goals of both the customers and the providers. I used methods such as surveys, interviews, personas, and journey maps to gather insights and identify opportunities for improvement.
Based on the research findings, I created a story that illustrated the main problem and the desired outcome for the users. The story focused on how Doid could help users find, book, and pay for reliable and quality services in a convenient and secure way. I used storyboards, scenarios, and user flows to communicate the story and the key features of the solution.
Using the story as a guide, I designed low-fidelity wireframes and prototypes to test the usability and functionality of the website. I followed the principles of simplicity, clarity, and consistency to create an intuitive and engaging user interface. I used tools such as Sketch, Figma, and InVision to create and iterate on the design.
I conducted several rounds of user testing and feedback sessions with potential and existing users of Doid. I used methods such as usability testing, heuristic evaluation, and A/B testing to evaluate the design and measure its performance. I collected and analyzed the data and feedback to identify issues and areas for improvement. I then refined and improved the design based on the findings and recommendations.
Final product
The final product of the website redesign was a responsive and user-friendly website that met the needs and expectations of both the customers and the providers. The website enabled users to easily find, book, and pay for services, as well as to communicate and rate each other. The website also increased the trust and satisfaction of the users, as well as the conversion and retention rates of the business.
What I learned
Through this project, I learned a lot about the process and the skills of UX design. I learned how to conduct effective user research, how to create compelling stories and prototypes, how to test and iterate on the design, and how to deliver a high-quality product. I also learned how to collaborate and communicate with the stakeholders, the team, and the users. I enjoyed working on this project and I am proud of the outcome.